Empowering parents with success strategies
for a stress free school transition
Understanding anxiety and the many ways it shows up in children
Why it is important to check our own emotions first
How to help children transition from holidays to school
Why making the unfamiliar more familiar is key
The importance of a schedule
Coping with separation anxiety
What to do if your child is crying and clingy
Why sneaking out makes separation anxiety worse
How to manage "I don't want to go to school" scenarios
Teens/tweens - how to help transition to high school positively
Helping teens/tweens who struggle at high school
Plus bonus print outs!

From flat out refusing to go to school, to clinging to you and begging you not to leave them...transitioning back to school can be a nightmare time for families with strong willed, highly sensitive or neuro-diverse children.
Many children struggle with change, it makes them feel uncomfortable and out of control which raises feelings of anxiety.
Anxiety spikes from uncertainty and whilst, as we know we can never get rid of uncertainty, we can start to prepare ourselves for the uncertainty that is inevitably going to start coming up over starting or going back to school. This is going to help us and our children cope with the change positively.
For some children this will be their first time at school and for others it will going into a higher grade with a different teacher, different children in the classroom, maybe it’s a whole new school altogether or even transitioning to high school… what ever it is, it is going to new and unfamiliar which means increased emotions and big feelings for the whole family, not just children.
In this 4 part workshop you are going to learn how to spot the signs of anxiety in your child and yourself and how to implement step by step techniques to lower stress, reduce separation anxiety and embrace the upcoming changes positively.
The workshop also covers techniques for parents of tweens/teens who face the many challenges of school in the modern world of technology.